If you are not completely satisfied with an original painting, please get in touch with me within 3 days of receiving your artwork. You may return artwork in perfect condition in its original packaging for a full refund, minus shipping expense which will be your responsibility.
If applicable, a refund will be applied to your original method of payment after artwork is returned and inspected. Please allow 3-5 business days for a return to be issued.
You will be responsible for the return shipping costs. You must include a tracking method and insurance to cover the value of the painting.
Prints are not returnable unless they are damaged during the shipping process. If you receive a damaged print, please contact me immediately.
All requests for commissions are considered on a case by case basis. Please reach out to me for more information.
I welcome the possibility of working with art galleries, especially those interested in selling my larger paintings on canvas. For local galleries in the Atlanta area, please get in touch if you would like to arrange a time for an in person meeting with samples of current artwork.